Drama / Acting


Life Drawing



A short story for the second freestyle
The Robinson couple were feeling romantic, so in the middle of the night they went out for some sea food. They dressed up so fancy for this simple of action, for all they had to do is to eat the food someone else has been fishing.
They found out one place that was open this late, they were the only guests so they don't have to wait..
they were both fan of lobsters so they've ordered the same,
but they didn't know that the dinner
was them...

Hello!I I gonna apply this school next year. Do they give you score sheet for this portfolio? )
Did you have a very busy schedule or it was difficult, but okay? I just know the situation at Sheridan bachelor of animation and there were a lot of cases when people got diseases because of sitting and working without the rest at all. I knew these guys, so it is not myth. )
Hey Vladimyr! I didn't get any score for the portfolio. The school putting a lot of effort in making the students feel comfortable and not stress out. There is a lot to do, but it's mostly what you make out of it,you can decide to push yourself and work late all the time, or you can take it more relaxed. Probably if you work yourself too hard someone will tell you to take it easy (:
Hi! I'm considering applying for this school for next year. How long did it take before they told you you got in? I am going to try my best to add to my portfolio and make it look as strong as I can.
Hi! Usually you sign up at the 15th of March. After around 2 weeks I got back an answer saying that I moved into the next stage, then I think it took until May when I got a message saying that I got in. I think it's a bit different every year, there are more and more applicants so it takes more time..
Good luck! (: It's a great school, I just finished and I already miss it!
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