I'm Ben Ozeri, welcome to my blog for Animation and other Arts.
Here you can find my work from school and some of my own studies.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Animations I've done during my studies in Frame by Frame Animation School.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Portfolio for The Animation Workshop (2012)

Drama / Acting


Life Drawing  




A short story for the second freestyle 
The Robinson couple were feeling romantic, so in the middle of the night they went out for some sea food. They dressed up so fancy for this simple of action, for all they had to do is to eat the food someone else has been fishing.
They found out one place that was open this late, they were the only guests so they don't have to wait..
they were both fan of lobsters so they've ordered the same,
 but they didn't know that the dinner
 was them...

